Cache Invalidation Demystified

harish bhattbhatt
6 min readDec 17, 2023

Cache invalidation is a process that ensures the data stored in a cache — in-memory or distributed (e.g. redis)— remains current and consistent with the original data source. This process is necessary to maintain data accuracy, system integrity, and optimal performance, as outdated or incorrect cache data can lead to errors and inefficiencies.

So, let's directly jump on what are the approaches to invalidate the cache with their tradeoffs.

Time-Based Cache Invalidation Strategies

In cache management, time-based invalidation is a widely adopted approach.

This strategy involves two primary methods:

  1. Absolute Expiry: This method ensures that the cache expires at a predetermined time, irrespective of the frequency of access. For example, with a 15-minute expiration setting, the cache will be cleared after 15 minutes, regardless of whether it has been accessed 20 times or not within that period.
  2. Sliding Expiry: Contrary to absolute expiry, sliding expiry extends the cache’s lifespan each time it is accessed. Using the same 15-minute timeframe as an example, if the cache is accessed at the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 12th minutes, its expiration will be postponed for an additional 12 minutes beyond the initial 15-minute mark. This means that frequently accessed caches could, in theory, remain indefinitely.


  • The implementation process is straightforward and uncomplicated.
  • With time-based invalidation, the performance benefits are predictable, as the system knows exactly when the cache will be refreshed. This can aid in planning and optimizing system resources efficiently.


  • There’s a risk of the cache becoming outdated compared to the original data. This is especially prevalent with sliding expiry.
  • Setting a very short expiration time, such as one minute, might hinder the cache’s ability to effectively enhance performance.
  • If not managed properly, cached data could consume significant memory and processing resources, especially if the cached items are large or if the sliding expiry leads to data being retained for extended periods.

Appropriate Usage Scenarios:

  • Situations where minor data inconsistencies are acceptable to users. For instance, consider a scenario where customer information is cached with a 5-minute TTL. If a customer updates their personal information, a delay of up to 5 minutes in reflecting these changes might be tolerable.
  • Known frequency for updating the data, Such as a dashboard displaying daily sales metrics updated every 24 hours.
  • For static data that seldom or never changes, such as configuration, feature flags, details requiring software modifications or deployment for updates.

It’s crucial to communicate the chosen TTL to the end-users, ensuring they understand and agree with this approach. Clear communication can streamline operations and provide peace of mind.


  • Strike an optimal balance between data freshness and system performance.
  • Regularly monitor the performance and effectiveness of your caching strategy. Be prepared to adjust TTLs based on changing usage patterns, data update frequencies, and system performance requirements.
  • Communicate the caching strategy to end users and stakeholders
  • Be mindful of the storage limitations of your caching solution.

Event-based cache invalidation

Event-driven cache invalidation operates by triggering events that prompt the removal of data from the cache.

This process can be achieved through various methods:

  1. Event Generation with Service Brokers: Utilizing service brokers that are subscribed to by multiple services, ensuring they invalidate their respective caches upon receiving an event.
  2. Incorporating Distributed Caches: Employing a distributed cache system where the micro-service updating the data source also clears the related cache entries.
  3. Adopting Communication Protocols: Implementing mechanisms like the “gossip” protocol for inter-service communication, aiding in updating or synchronizing cache statuses.


  • Achieves faster consistency, with cache data eviction occurring almost immediately (ranging from milliseconds to seconds) after data changes.
  • Enhances performance by only evicting cache data when actual changes occur.
  • It scales well, handling high volumes of data changes efficiently.


  • Implementation Complexity: Accurately setting up event-driven invalidation can be challenging, with a high risk of missing event publication or consumption.
  • Testing Difficulties: Especially in distributed systems, ensuring all caches invalidate correctly can be problematic due to potential bugs, exceptions, or network issues.
  • Potential Inconsistency: Factors like software bugs, network partitions, or the absence of distributed transactions can lead to data inconsistencies. For example, a node might lose connection to the service broker during an event, leading to unsynchronized cache states.
  • There can be significant overhead in processing events, especially in systems with a high volume of data changes, which might impact overall system performance.
  • Reliance on external services or brokers for event management adds a layer of dependency, which can be a point of failure or complexity.

Appropriate Usage Scenarios:

  • Environments where low data inconsistency tolerance is crucial.( typically measured in milliseconds or seconds)
  • Systems that inherently support invalidation mechanisms, such as Dynamo cache or Apache Ignite with replicated cache.
  • Situations where thorough quality assurance and testing justify the effort involved in implementing such a system.
  • Scenarios where observability to address potential cache inconsistencies are in place, such as manual rectification if needed.
  • Cases where performance is a key consideration, and the risks associated with data inconsistency are manageable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Leveraging managed services and storage engines with built-in invalidation capabilities can enhance performance and simplify implementation.
  • Ensuring robust testing and monitoring are crucial to minimize and address inconsistencies.
  • Regularly tracking cache consistency metrics and establishing protocols for manual or semi-automated cache invalidation is advisable.
  • Assessing the impact of potential cache invalidation failures is vital, especially in high-stakes scenarios, to determine the appropriateness of this approach.

Version-based cache invalidation (or validation on access)

Version-based cache invalidation, also known as validate-on-access, is a caching strategy where the validity of cached data is determined based on its version comparison with the source data. This approach checks if the cached data is up-to-date whenever it is accessed, ensuring consistency between the cache and the data source.


  • Data Consistency: Ensures high levels of data consistency, as cached data is always compared with the latest version before being served.
  • Efficiency for Infrequently Updated Data: Highly efficient for data that doesn’t change often, as it reduces unnecessary cache refreshes.
  • On-Demand Cache Updates: Cache updates occur only when necessary, optimizing resource usage and reducing the load on the backend systems.


  • Increased Latency: Each cache access requires a version check, which can introduce latency, particularly if the version information is stored remotely.
  • Undermine the core reason why cache was used in the first place, as version check may be expensive.
  • Complexity in Implementation: Implementing and maintaining versioning information can add complexity to the system.

Appropriate Usage Scenarios:

  • When dealing with static data that doesn’t change often, the backend can use versioned URLs. These URLs, provided to the browser, direct it to download data from a CDN (Content Delivery Network). When there’s an update to the data, the backend generates a new versioned URL. This new URL signals the CDN to fetch the updated data from the backend.
  • For large amounts of cached data, accessing different versions can be made very fast. This is done through methods like indexing or using quick search techniques. These methods help in efficiently retrieving the correct version of the data.
  • In situations where even the slightest data inconsistency is unacceptable, using version checks on the data source is beneficial. Even with these checks, caching the content leads to a significant boost in performance. This approach ensures that users always get the most current and accurate data, while still enjoying the speed benefits of caching.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensure the overhead of verifying the version against the data source is minimal, and caching continues to offer performance advantages.
  • Utilize versioning when maintaining consistency is of utmost importance for your scenario.
  • Employing a versioning strategy does not significantly complicate the overall solution.

Given the varied nature of applications and their specific requirements, a hybrid strategy that combines elements of these approaches can often be the most effective solution. This approach allows for the flexibility to balance between data freshness and system performance, adapting to the changing needs and patterns of usage.

In conclusion, cache invalidation remains one of the most challenging problems in distributed systems, primarily due to the complexities involved in maintaining data consistency and optimizing performance. The strategies discussed in this article — time-based, event-based, and version-based cache invalidation — each offer unique benefits and drawbacks, making them suitable for different scenarios.

